اجمل مواضيع جميلة مفيدة بالصور

اغنية جاستن بيبر بيبي , اغنيه اجنبيه رائعه

اغنية جاستن بيبر بيبي - اغنيه اجنبيه رائعه 15809 1

اغنيه جاستن بيبر بيبي وهو هيعمل اكثر من اغنيه رائعه تحبي سماعه كثيرا لان غنائه
رائع جدا وتحب ان تستمتعي به غنائه كثيرا في هذه الفترات

كلمات الأغاني
Ooh, ooh
Across the ocean, across the sea
Startin’ to forget the way you look at me now
Over the mountains, across the sky
Need to see your face
I need to look in your eyes
Through the storm and through the clouds
Bumps in the road and upside down now
I know it’s hard babe, to sleep at night
Don’t you worry
‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Through the sorrow
And the fights
Don’t you worry
‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
All alone, in my room
Waiting for your phone call to come soon
Anf for you, oh, I would walk a thousand miles
To be in your arms, holding my heart
Oh I
Oh I
I love you
And everything’s gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Through the long nights
And the bright lights
Don’t you worry
‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-ai-ai-a’ight
You know that I care for you
I’ll always be there for you
I promise I’ll just stay right here, yeah
I know that you want me to
Baby, we can make it through, anything
‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright, ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-a’ight
Through the sorrow and the fights
Don’t you worry, ’cause everything’s gonna be alright, ai-a’ight
Be alright, ai-a’ight
Through the sorrow and the fights


اغنية جاستن بيبر بيبي

اغنية جاستن بيبر بيبي - اغنيه اجنبيه رائعه 15809

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